bershuka : I haven't washed my hair for 5-6 days... I'm really chilly, my body is weak, and I don't have any strength. I'm going to muster up the courage to wash it today. ‼ ️ Does anyone want to take a bath with me? 🧼 Don't worry, it won't infect you 💗🫶🏻

#茉茉 #bershuka #確診隔離日記
764d ago
I haven't washed my hair for 5-6 days... I'm really chilly, my body is weak, and I don't have any strength. I'm going to muster up the courage to wash it today. Does anyone want to take a bath with me? 🧼 Don't worry, it won't infect you 💗🫶🏻

#茉茉 #bershuka #確診隔離日記
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