cutelily : Thank you for the father-in-laws and the new acquaintances at this stage, I am really touched 🥹🥹🥹🥹
Since last month, the pk registration has not been successful. I suddenly said that I want to rush for 3 million diamonds in 18 hours. You also help me to rush, although the result is my little carelessness, we missed the target, I was sad all day 😫😭
Although this pk event is not as stressful as 3 million, I really feel it is difficult to broadcast. With your encouragement and support, I was full of energy during the 3 days of co-broadcasting, and the 3P you were worried about did not appear. 🤪🤪 Surprisingly small whale 🐳 Super nice and super cute 😍😍
By the way thank you so much for letting me finish, it's great to have you 😘😘😘😘😘😘
935d ago
Thank you for the father-in-laws and the new acquaintances at this stage, I am really touched 🥹🥹🥹🥹
Since last month, the pk registration has not been successful. I suddenly said that I want to rush for 3 million diamonds in 18 hours. You also help me to rush, although the result is my little carelessness, we missed the target, I was sad all day 😫😭
Although this pk event is not as stressful as 3 million, I really feel it is difficult to broadcast. With your encouragement and support, I was full of energy during the 3 days of co-broadcasting, and the 3P you were worried about did not appear. 🤪🤪 Surprisingly small whale 🐳 Super nice and super cute 😍😍
By the way thank you so much for letting me finish, it's great to have you 😘😘😘😘😘😘
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