maysky : 👇 If you want to participate in the event, you can start the broadcast today and lose the gift~
I will register first, and then private message you to discuss the time and place to eat 😉

🎁 deliver 💎 A gift of about 150,000, "pure date" together, made by AA 🎁
😳 From 6/7 to 7/10, you can participate in the anchor actual combat selection activities 😳
Start the broadcast with the anchor for half an hour or record a short film series, and experience the two of them overnight. The anchor will also try to match the mode of relationship you want as a couple, and the room fee will be borne by the anchor~~
🍻 7/15 Notification of lucky fans and announcement of candidates 🍻
#實戰人選選拔 #純約會 #粉絲福利
1005d ago
👇 If you want to participate in the event, you can start the broadcast today and lose the gift~
I will register first, and then private message you to discuss the time and place to eat 😉

🎁 deliver 💎 A gift of about 150,000, "pure date" together, made by AA 🎁
😳 From 6/7 to 7/10, you can participate in the anchor actual combat selection activities 😳
Start the broadcast with the anchor for half an hour or record a short film series, and experience the two of them overnight. The anchor will also try to match the mode of relationship you want as a couple, and the room fee will be borne by the anchor~~
🍻 7/15 Notification of lucky fans and announcement of candidates 🍻
#實戰人選選拔 #純約會 #粉絲福利
See original
This is a work of fictionAll rights reserved
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