mollyflower : I was going to go swimming... but my boyfriend suddenly called and wanted to video with me ‼ ️ Is this for someone to tease you on video? 😈
Boyfriend is you who watch movies ‼ ️
Jasmine will flirt with you like this when I'm video chatting with you ❤

Jasmine is going out for a swim
As a result, my boyfriend suddenly called for a video
Do you want people to tease you in a swimsuit? ❤

Note: The video only has Jasmine's voice and picture

I was going to go swimming... but my boyfriend suddenly called and wanted to video with me Is this for someone to tease you on video? 😈

See original
See original
Boyfriend is you who watch movies
Jasmine will flirt with you like this when I'm video chatting with you

Jasmine is going out for a swim
As a result, my boyfriend suddenly called for a video
Do you want people to tease you in a swimsuit?

Note: The video only has Jasmine's voice and picture
Video length: 12:53
Published: -
All rights reserved
This is a work of fiction
All actors are consenting adults